NERA Director Benjamin Chee participated in a roundtable discussion on pathways for scaling and replicating climate auctions at Climate Finance 2.0: Climate Auctions and the Future of Concessional Finance held in New York City on 19 September 2017. The event was hosted by the World Bank Group and Rocky Mountain Institute in conjunction with the World Bank’s Pilot Auction Facility for Methane and Climate Change Mitigation (PAF). NERA Managing Director Dr. Chantale LaCasse and Mr. Chee led the NERA team responsible for the detailed design choices and implementation of the auctions held by the World Bank’s PAF. They recently authored a report for the World Bank that discusses the impact of the design choices on the results of auctions held by the PAF with the hope that these findings could prove useful for those wanting to replicate the success of these auctions in varying circumstances and program objectives.
Learn more about the roundtable event on the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Website.