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NERA is pleased to sponsor the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Research Conference on 20–21 September at Worcester College, Oxford. For 30 years, the BIEE has hosted debates on UK energy issues, linking research, policy, and outcomes. Senior Managing Directors George Anstey and Richard Druce, Senior Consultant Joel Davis, and Consultants Sofia Birattari, Dr. Zoe Fannon, and Magnus Martinsen will speak at the 2023 BIEE Conference. 

George Anstey
Mr. Anstey will take part in a plenary session debate on energy security. The session will include a debate on key issues and time for Q&A. The panellists will discuss topics including how to affordably ensure secure energy supplies, the role of energy sources at home and abroad, the role of national and regional planning, and how to guard against supply disruptions from geopolitical issues like the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Richard Druce
Mr. Druce will examine recent and long-term trends in wholesale power market design, focusing on the roles of competition and central planning in shaping how the system has evolved during “A Fork in the Road Towards Decarbonising the Power Sector: A Continued Expansion of Central Planning vs. Embracing Competition.” Mr. Druce will discuss how, despite two decades of retrenchment, competition can still play a role in shaping how the power system evolves toward achieving net zero, beyond organising day-to-day despatching of available generation resources. 

Joel Davis
Mr. Davis will chair the “Lessons from Other Countries” parallel paper session. Papers from a range of academics and professional economists will be presented in 20-minute slots, including time for open Q&A. The papers will cover a variety of topics ranging from modelling scenarios for green hydrogen in Germany’s energy transition to how to model decentralized renewable energy investment decisions in Sub-Saharan African countries.

Sofia Birattari
Ofgem and the ESO have explored the option of locational marginal pricing (LMP, or “nodal” pricing) as a solution to improve locational signals in the wholesale electricity market. Under LMP, the electricity price is set separately at each node in the network and corresponds to the marginal cost of serving demand at that node. The value of power at a particular node includes the cost of producing and delivering energy from that node. During the “UK Modelling” session at the conference, Ms. Birattari will present a paper that reviews existing evidence on the impacts of LMP on consumers, generators, and the system as a whole. Ms. Birattari will review and compare case studies from jurisdictions that have introduced LMP (or have planned or are planning to introduce it), including a recent study on potential costs and benefits for Great Britain. Additionally, she will examine how lessons from other markets are relevant to Great Britain.

Dr. Zoe Fannon
Dr. Fannon will co-chair the Student and Young Energy Professional session. Students will have three minutes each to present their research, followed by an open Q&A. The papers cover a variety of topics ranging from the relationship between UK firms’ energy efficiency and informational and communication technology spend to the impact of social norms on individuals’ climate adaptation behaviours in China. 

For more information and to register for the event, please visit the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Research Conference website.