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Charles Parekh is a testifying expert specializing in the application of economic and statistical analysis to finance, healthcare, and public policy issues. He has over 20 years of experience working as an economist in dispute consulting and litigation support. His experience includes work in healthcare, education, sampling, and structured finance.


Dr. Parekh leads matters involving the use of financial, statistical, and economic modeling to calculate damages and losses. His expertise includes the use of statistical sampling to analyze large volumes of transactional data, including financial market data, mortgage data, and healthcare data. He led the statistical and economic modeling teams in multiple repurchase litigations and bankruptcies, employing statistical sampling and analysis to estimate repurchase liabilities. In addition, his experience includes the sampling of transactions to detect price fixing, using event studies to assess damages to investors, employing statistical techniques in internal investigations, using surveys and regressions valuing intellectual property.

Dr. Parekh has an extensive background in economic and public finance and public policy analysis, including an assessment of the economic efficiency of electronic waste recycling, an analysis of healthcare costs and hospital damages related to cigarette smoking, an examination of public school efficiency and test score performance in the New York City Public Schools, a study of school organization and educational outcomes, a financial evaluation of EPA clean air regulations, and an assessment of US Postal Service pricing strategies in the face of increased technological competition.

Dr. Parekh served on the team that investigated a whistleblower complaint alleging the University of Illinois College of Law inflated admissions data, including LSATs and GPAs of incoming classes. In addition, he led multiple consulting engagements assisting law schools in reporting their graduate employment statistics and has worked on several antitrust and competition matters, including leading the analytical teams in an analysis of the CVS/CareMark merger and against a Department of Justice challenge of the Dean Foods merger with Suiza Foods.

Dr. Parekh has testified as an expert on the economic and financial effects of certain healthcare regulations on patients. Additionally, he has testified on the use of statistical sampling to extrapolate results to a larger population, and he has provided testimony on the statistical need to randomly test students for drugs and alcohol.


  • PhD in public finance, New York University
  • MPhil in public finance, New York University
  • MPP in public policy analysis, University of Chicago
  • BA in economics, Colgate University