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On 20 April 2022 at 14:25 CEST, NERA Associate Director Dominik Huebler will speak at the Track Access Charges Summit 2022 in Rotterdam. Mr. Huebler will participate in an interview titled “Interview: Lessons Learnt from Rail Access Charge (TAC) Waivers.” Mr. Huebler will discuss the following questions:

  • Will the pandemic and the Green Deal lead to a permanent change in the relative ability of rail vs. road and freight vs. passengers to bear charges?
  • What are the advantages and drawbacks of charging structures?
  • What can and should TACs contribute to incentivizing “green” behavior both within the rail sector and in supporting rail vs. other less clean modes of transport?

Further points of discussion:

  • Should we try to maintain COVID-19 waivers as much as possible by aiming for direct cost pricing going forward?
  • How do we deal with the return of congestion?
  • Can we learn from other sectors (airports, in particular) in mitigating the impact of future adverse events?

For more information and to register for the event, please visit the Rail Tech website here